The OG collection is collectible, customizable, and upgradable.

Styllar™ collectibles consists of 10,031 avatars randomly generated using 553 custom tailored items and curated traits. Each avatar from our main collection can be customized and upgraded to change its appearance and ranking.

Buy a Styllar
The three Styllar Musketeers

Upgrade your OG Avatar with our Avatar Builder

Use our Avatar Builder and Fuser to customize your avatars or upgrade your items.

Upgrade Avatar
Styllar chart

Have you checked out our Item Marketplace?

We will be launching several new items, upgrades, and unique traits for you to collect, use to upgrade your avatar, or sell on the aftermarket.

Styllar items
showcase styllar 1
showcase styllar 2
showcase styllar 3
showcase styllar 4
showcase styllar 5
showcase styllar 6
showcase styllar 7
showcase styllar 8
showcase styllar 9
showcase styllar 10
showcase styllar 11

Whats Up!

Where we are going, we don’t need roads... just roadmaps. Relaunching the builder, fuser, marketplace and other features on the Polygon blockchain.


Styllar™ Road Map

Have any more questions? Jump in our Discord!

If you have any questions about Styllar, the claim or the project itself, give us a shout in our Discord, we will be happy to help!

Visit our Discord
The Styllar Monkey Gang

The Team

We brought together a team of very talented developers, artists, designers, managers & strategists. Meet a few of our core team members that brought the project to life.


Styllar™ Core Team

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